I am at my first Legacy symposium event in Birmingham and for those who don’t know it’s a 3 day property education event at the NEC with several courses running at the same time. It is my first day on the HMO course and after a full day of learning everything there is to know, or at least it certainly felt that way, about buying, running and managing a HMO, my brain was completely shot. But most importantly I was absolutely starving, for those that know me they will understand how this was a big problem as “I don’t mess with my food” and when I am hungry I start not to function as efficiently (or so I thought anyway). As 6pm approached I had already completely ruled out going to listen to the special speaker JT Foxx at the end of the event. Not just because my brain was saturated and my stomach was playing its own orchestra, but because I didn’t even know who or what JT Foxx was. I was not sure if it was a guy, a girl or a group of acrobats ready to entertain us (again being my first symposium I was not really sure what to expect). So I said my goodbyes to fellow course attendees and affirmed that I was definitely not going upstairs to the main hall, but rather straight to Nando’s (well known chicken restaurant), those who know me well are smiling at this point. But then one of the ladies I had networked with during the day said she felt my pain as she was also starving and tired but she was going up anyway, “might as well soak up the whole experience to the end” she says. In my mind I think I heard “stop being a wuss, cry baby” or words to that effect, needless to say it was a challenge now for me (mind over stomach) and I don’t back down from many challenges. However the force was strong with my hunger and it was definitely winning, but for some reason, I dragged myself upstairs just to say goodbye to some fellow property buddies I had made along the way, still 100% sure I was not going to attend the talk. No buddies in sight (yay! I thought), so I quickly turned around to head out, but oops! I caught sight of one last friend (damn it!), she was heading straight into the JT Foxx session and without hesitation I tagged along, probably because I felt I would sound silly whining about by hunger as my excuse for not attending, especially as I was literally standing at the entrance to the main hall. So minutes after deciding I was definitely not going upstairs I found myself sitting down waiting for this JT Foxx to rock up (seems like I was destined to meet the man).


The next two hours I will probably remember for the rest of my life. But it is not only because of JT Foxx and his delivery on that day, but rather because of what he does to your mind (or mine at least) as you sit there listening. He somehow made much of the last 20 years of my life and the decisions I had made flash through my mind, like an episode of this is your life. I felt like I was having some sort of out of mind experience, where I was sometimes present in the room and sometimes not. Let me give some background history. Rewind – I graduated University almost 15 years to the month as I sat there listening to JT Foxx and as I went boldly into the world of unemployment, graduate certificate in hand, I still had no clue what I wanted to do or be. I knew one thing, same as I did when I was about 16, I wanted to be a successful businessman (we didn’t use entrepreneur when I was 16, or maybe the word was just too big for me back then). However coming from a background where my parents only understood professions like Doctor, Lawyer, Dentist, Mechanical Engineer, Civil Engineer, Accountant etc., I was already failing (In my mind) as I did not graduate with such a profession in the bag. In fact my friends at University literally called my degree “magic and drawing” because it just seemed like a bunch of gibberish to them (and me at times). So just like I did when I filled in my UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) application form for university several years back, I asked myself one question – “what are you good at?”. Back then it was Mathematics, so logically 5 of the 6 slots on my UCAS application form were for Accountancy degrees (even though I hate spreadsheets), now the answer was computers, which I had been tinkering with since I was about nine years old, so even though my degree had nothing to do with computers, I pursued this career path.

Fast forward 15 years and I have crafted a decent career in the Information Technology security industry based on “what are you good at”, but not necessarily “what do you enjoy”. Therefore over those 15 years I have always been constantly looking for something else and tried (somewhat half heartedly) a few things like network marketing and attending several money making seminars, only to always have a reason (excuse) not to take action to move things to the next level. Although I am not one for regrets, the memories of your decisions always remain and the question “what if I did…..” is ever present.

Back to present day and I’m sitting down listening to JT Foxx as he goes from talking about his success, his celebrity friends and how fabulous and successful he is (where is my bloody Nando’s), to seeing him read human behaviour, share fantastic video testimonies and attest that he is “powered by your success” and is only about one thing “results!” (Nando’s can definitely wait). Then there is his enthusiasm and energy, which simply infects you like someone spiked the air conditioning with some I love JT Foxx gas, you find yourself breathing in everything he has to offer and buzzing on it beyond belief. At times my mind wonders if he’s been inhaling his own gas or something else for that matter, because there has to be some other explanation for this energy – I am now sure it is success. It’s not just the brilliance of the content that he delivers but the way he delivers it and for me the replay of my life journey in one two hour session felt like some sort of long needed therapy.


So halfway through JT Foxx’s presentation I have made up my mind that I am sold and buying whatever JT Foxx has to offer, but first let me just remind myself of the number of zeroes at the end of my bank balance to make sure I don’t do anything silly that will affect my wife and two daughters – ok I am good now, I’ve worked it all out and I have a maximum number in my mind. JT Foxx says there are eight of his ties up front (yes he has his own tie line) and for £100 cash you can have a signed one, with all proceeds being donated to the recent Manchester Arena bombing. I shot to the front of the room like lightening and picked one up. Wow! I thought to myself, I’m not a shy person but damn Malcolm you were a bit keen (it must be the gas taking hold again). Towards the end of his presentation he offers access to his coaching, his team and his experience via any of his 2 day events globally for 10 years (plus guest) and in my mind challenges me – “I dare you not to take action this time around”, all for a mere four figure sum. The gas took hold of me again and I got up before he even finished talking, along with a few others also infected by the same “I love JT Foxx” gas, and found myself signing to take action this time around and bring JT Foxx into my life. Surprising to me on the form I was signing was a three figure sum, to which I thought freaking bargain! and suddenly I was surrounded by people jostling to get a form to sign up at the discounted rate, which I hadn’t even heard, so I really was one of the keen ones.


Fast forward 3 months and one week and I am at a JT Foxx 2 day event in London and this time around not only did he bring his infectious gas along with great new content, but he brought his family. More successful entrepreneurs, business partners, students and George Ross; Donald Trump’s right hand man and lawyer for decades and now JT’s coach (Yep, I’m calling him JT now). Together they mesmerised the audience from the front of the room with knowledge and banter in equal measure. JT is such a funny guy and at times you almost forget you are in the presence of millionaires, JT soon to be a billionaire, because there is no flash about them (unless you know watches like I do, where JT shows a hint of his wealth – and good on him). They are both so approachable and willing to share their knowledge and experience. The experience was once again life changing and because of JT I am now completely hooked on surrounding myself with like minded individuals and entrepreneurs that support each other like family. I have only started this journey with JT but I already know that I will be catapulted to the level of success that I have always dreamed of if I simply stay close and learn from the best. I can not wait to take the next steps in this journey with him, I know it will be life changing and I am constantly buzzing at the possibilities. Now I just look forward to going to JT’s house in Florida (hurricane Irma lost against the house) and getting pulling on his jet ski. See you soon JT.